Whether it's a yacht sales show, chartershow, industry show, rendezvous or  regatta,a good video will help capture the  atmosphere of the event and show why people should attend.

It's getting tougher to get the right people to the shows in numbers, so the more you can attract these people, the better the quality of the show, sponsors too will be glad of the extra and more focussed coverage.

Thats where good video and distribution works! 

From the glitzy glamour of Monaco to the hurly burly of FLIBs and the Caribbean magic of Antigua, a good video will help promote your event. 

 With interviews from top industry professionals, action from the event, the yachts and crew and of course the parties, you'll be able to convey the essence of your show.       

Using Boatson.tv, you can pre-advertiseyour show, race or regattaattract sponsorssell space to advertise and of course bring in more qualified attendees.

After all, 220 web sites, in 27 countries playing your video and unparalleled TV coverage, will get you noticed!

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